pay what you want, pay what you can
the benefits of mutual aid in this amazing confusing inspiring time
what a time to be alive. what a terrible amazing confusing inspiring time to be alive. i’m reading a fantastic book right now on how the civil war battle in my hometown of fredericksburg, virginia, one moment in december 1862, had a profound and reverberating effect on american culture and law in the following decades. one moment, a few decisions, unpredictable outcomes. i am feeling the same way about these moments here in delta 2021.
i’ve just come back from a month on the road playing electric guitar and keyboards in 12 states as a member the mountain goats and then a week at a faith and justice festival in the mountains of western north carolina. i have walked around blown out downtowns in louisiana, new mexico, colorado, floated through suburban sprawl in nebraska and wisconsin, swum in lake michigan, hiked a piece of the appalachian trail, gone to drag church in a popup tent in a field. basically i have been checking in on america. america! i missed you these last 18 months.
while it has been exhilarating to see our mountains and rivers carrying on, i am noticing that many, many folks are suffering. in cities i have visited countless times, there are more empty storefronts and more people unhoused on the street than i have seen before. the edges seem more frayed than ever. people are holding on, making it work, hustling like we do. but barely.
it is an odd time and environment to put an album into. i’m always conscious of the balance of self-promotion blah blah, and i probably err on the side of “not enough”. but it is a fraught moment. no matter how much i believe in my new record, how much i think you’ll dig it, how much i need *you* to help spread the word.
that’s why i am grateful that i made a decision earlier this summer to make the digital version of KISS OFF KISS “pay what you can”. it feels truly right for this moment. all the money i raise from digital sales on my website and bandcamp will be distributed in $500 micro-grants to nominated individuals.
do you know someone who is adding value to their community through their service? please email me about them! at the end of 2021, i’ll choose some folks from nominated individuals. please note i am not giving to organizations, non-profit or otherwise. gifts to those have limits on how they can be spent, and i want people to use this gift however they choose - to buy food, pay rent or loans, take a vacation, treat their loved ones to something special, or, only if they choose, to put it into their work. the money that paid for KISS OFF KISS’s recording was gifted to me in a similar, unexpected fashion so this is my way of paying it forward.
did you know that back in 1862 walt whitman spent months caring for wounded men in washington DC hospitals after fredericksburg? so did louisa may alcott. it changed them and their art forever. i don't take a war metaphor lightly, but i am thinking deeply about how i can make good decisions in this hard time, with the hopes that they will reverberate. i hope you’ll take the time to check out the "Pay What You Can" offering on my website or bandcamp, spread the word, and consider participating by giving, nominating someone, or both.
in other news, plans are moving forward for fall tour, complete dates below. but as we move forward, please know that we have everyone’s health and safety as a top priority. if you’re comfortable going to shows, we’ll see you out there. if not, we’ll see you soon online.
thank you as always for your love, support, and attention. please consider spreading the word about KISS OFF KISS. i need your help!!
x erin
ps - no official ¡ME GUSTA! this month... i've been too busy to collect things for you... and too busy re-watching FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS on netflix. meantime... did you see my latest video?