I feel the need to say what you once said to me on Facebook when I told you that You Were Right About Everything had become my theme song months after I discovered it: KEEP GOING :)
Living in North West England, I sympathise with many days of no sun. But it is nearly March, bulbs are popping and we get bright spots with your music in these updates. Thank you.
I feel the need to say what you once said to me on Facebook when I told you that You Were Right About Everything had become my theme song months after I discovered it: KEEP GOING :)
This episode makes me feel YOUNG again!
"if you keep going, i will too." ❤️❤️❤️
Living in North West England, I sympathise with many days of no sun. But it is nearly March, bulbs are popping and we get bright spots with your music in these updates. Thank you.
Loving your posts, Erin.